The Asphalt Jungle – Artist Statement

The things we see each day Vs the things we choose to photograph. We see many things that catch our eye as we pass through the world. Sometimes we can only capture them in our minds eye, other times we choose to let them pass on by. Once we start investigating a subject, worlds can open up.

One thing leads to another. Ideas lead you to new ideas. Images to new images. This has been true for me in my last three portfolios. Image threads and ideas have chased across the portfolios and helped create the next one. Caught on Wire leading into The Grid which then opened the door for The Asphalt Jungle.

The moment of seeing, the clear moment where abstract amorphic forms changed into anthropomorphic and zoomorphic forms. These types of moments are most rewarding to the artist.

The immediate realization and connection to prehistoric cave art. The primitive nature of the images, the surface and the material all reading together. Modern drawings in mundane modern materials connecting to Paleolithic art.

Finally the palate, dark and smoky, cast in harsh torch light.

A book of this portfolio can be purchased at