Caught on Wire – Artist Statement

The genesis of this project began by observing the sculptural beauty of plastic caught on barbed wire and blowing in the wind.

Eventually I stopped and photographed the subject which then turned into an obsessive search.


It is a fenced and plasticized world where even trash can have aesthetic beauty.

The finest examples of these sculptures are found in the marginal areas where the land is being changed by man.

The open land, once prairie, changed to fenced fields for crops or cattle, changes again to suburbs and shopping centers.


Explorations on this found object theme quickly lead to motion and time lapse studies.

The idea of time sequences with the wind and sun changing and deteriorating the plastic

opened the portfolio into areas of land use and natural recycling. Time lapse sequences

were taken over weeks and months with the plastic and nature evolving and juxtaposed together.


The found object was changed into the placed object. Found plastic was harvested and

reused in new locations. Plastic of various types was purchased and placed to age and deteriorate.


The last step in my journey has been to use the found materials in studio setups to create image arrays.


A book of this portfolio can be purchased at